Who is Kyle Scholl ?

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Welcome! Happy to have you here. My name is Kyle Scholl and I have a passion for personal finance & helping you on your financial journey through life.

Personally, my wife and I have been happily married for 13+ years and we have two beautiful children. From the beginning, we managed our finances together.

Professionally, I was intentional with my education and double majored in Finance & Real Estate, then pursued a 7 year career in residential Real Estate. During my 20’s I worked hard, lived well below my means, and just before becoming a father my wife and I were completely debt-free except for our mortgage…an accomplishment we worked hard on for three years.

After becoming a father & developing a desire to not work weekends, I was recruited into the Financial Services industry. Having spent my 20’s making sound financial decisions I felt confident to step into the role of a Financial Advisor. After all, I figured people would want to work with someone that was making smart financial decisions as opposed to a Financial Advisor that was broke. I then spent 8+ years as a Financial Advisor with a Fortune 200 company.

After 6,000+ personal financial planning conversations spread over 15 years and two careers, I learned the in’s and out’s of proper money management (from lower income households up through 7-figure annual income earners) .

In an effort to spread Financial Awareness I created a YouTube channel focused around personal financial topics ranging from budgeting/debt/credit scores to strategic investment/financial planning. In 2020 I decided to voluntarily leave the corporate Financial Advisor career path to become an Independent Financial Coach where I now advocate for you to learn how to navigate through the vast waters of financial planning.