How I…would like to help you…

Flat, Fee-Only Financial Planning Coaching


MY GOAL IS TO EMPOWER YOU WITH CONFIDENCE AND EDUCATION. I consider my independence from both asset management and investment brokerage communities a significant competitive advantage in the service I provide. Another agenda item is to coach & train you HOW to make decisions so that you will become a smarter investor and take more control over your wealth building efforts.

Let’s talk about your unique & personal situation so that you can avoid making mistakes and take control over the emotional journey of investing.

Retirement Planning


Retirement Planning - there are two phases - accumulation & distribution. Have you thought about both?

College Funding


Saving for college is a personal financial decision. Are you saving for ‘some’ of college, ‘all’ of college, or just saving in general? Let’s strategize all the ‘what if’ scenarios and develop a plan that fits your family & budget.

Tax Planning


I am not a Certified Public Accountant. However, understanding how your financial decisions impact both your current tax year burden & long term retirement planning is a crucial aspect of proper planning. Let’s discuss your current strategy and see if there are areas we can improve or confirm you’re on the right path.

Are you insured?


Life Insurance.


Tough topic to discuss for many, but it’s a conversation we need to have.

Is your group life insurance enough? Have you actually thought through exactly what you would want to happen if you didn’t make it home to your loved ones?


Long Term Disability Insurance.


Listen, sometimes bad things happen. These things often happen when you least expect it. My wife works in several hospitals in our area and I can assure you…people of all ages can get hurt.

Until you can self-insure through an inability to work/grow your wealth, we need to discuss your game plan.


Long Term Care Insurance.


We cannot predict how quickly we will go when it is our time. Have you thought through your quality of care should you need it later in life? Will you move in with family, live in an assisted living facility, nursing home, or do you plan on self-insuring through a long term care need.

Something as simple as an area rug could result in a trip/fall and need to enter into a hospital and eventually a long term care facility. Get educated and know your options.

Additional Financial Planning Topics...

  • Cash flow management (Budgeting)

  • Paying off debt

    • Student Loans

    • Credit Cards

    • Other Loans

    • Mortgage

  • Real Estate

    • Do you want to be a landlord?

    • How will rental real estate income play a role in your financial plan?

  • Estate Planning

    • Do you have your documents in order?

    • DNR, Trusts, Healthcare Surrogate, Guardianship, Wills, Beneficiaries, Contingent Beneficiaries

  • Mortgages

    • Should you refinance?

    • How will you purchase your next property?


Financial Awareness with KScholl YouTube Channel

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